Panikos Christou

Panikos Christou

About Me

An excellent Data Science MSc graduate at the University of Cyprus. I am a hardworking individual who is passionate about the subject I study. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on many projects, using various technologies and constantly improving in my field. You can find projects on the programming languages mentioned above on my GitHub.


March 2022 – Current 2023 - Software Developer

At Computer Science Dept Networks Research Laboratory, Nicosia, Cyprus

Working on a project that aims to create a platform for the collection of data from various sources (IoT devices, sensors, etc.) and the analysis of this data using Machine Learning algorithms. The project is based on the Apache Spark framework and uses Python, Java, and Scala. The project is funded by the European Union and is in collaboration with the University of Cyprus and the University of Patras.

June – August 2023 - Quantitative Analyst Intern

At Tickmill, Limassol, Cyprus

Grouped up with 2 other Data Science M.Sc. students and were tasked to create a trading strategy based on various pricing and company data. Moreover, we had a 2-week training on time series analysis, financial sector basics, Stock Market fundamentals, Backtesting and various other sector related information. We used Python, Jupyter, Pandas and more to achieve this.

Bachelor’s Diploma Project


Grade: 10/10!

Short Description: Made a simple edge to cloud architecture in docker containers launched with docker-compose. The edges run Object detection with pytorch Machine Learning models which collect Hardware and runtime data which are stored in CSV files.


June – August 2021 - Software Developer (CyberSecurity) Intern

At AC Goldman Solutions , Nicosia, Cyprus

Working on the front end of a web app using Reactjs which communicates to a Python Flask server that listens on the requests and works with an external API. While also using JWT tokens to ensure authentication.

June – July 2020- Summer Intern at LInC

At Computer Science Dept Laboratory of Internet Computing (LInC), Nicosia, Cyprus

I was assigned to work on extracting twitter data and then use that to find affiliated accounts of a User. I used Tweepy to extract and MongoDB to store the tweets. Then I used Pandas to clean and analyze the data and used networkX to create a network graph.

Highlighted Courses Grades

Course Degree Grade
Diploma Thesis BSc 10/10
Internet Technologies BSc 10/10
Probability and Statistics for Data Science MSc 9.5/10
Introduction to Data Science and Analytics MSc 9.5/10
Big Data Analytics MSc 9.5/10
Algorithms and Complexity BSc 9.5/10
Human Computer Interaction BSc 9.5/10